West Morris Central Coaching Staff


Varsity Coach | Mark Schartner

Varsity Coach Mark Schartner is in his 11th year as the Wolfpack Head Varsity Boys Coach. Coach Schartner is a graduate of Providence College with a Bachelor in Mathematics and a Master in Education from Seton Hall University.  Prior to becoming the Varsity Boys Head Coach, he was the Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach and JV Baseball Head Coach at West Morris.  After 4 years as the Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach, he was named the Head Varsity Basketball Coach in 2013.  Coach Schartner was the 2019 Morris County Coach of the Year and President of the Morris County Boys Basketball Coaches Association. Coach reached his 100th win during the 2020 season. He is also the West Morris Varsity Golf Coach.


Junior Varsity Coach & Assistant Varsity Coach | Ross Alpert

Junior varsity coach Ross Alpert is in his 2nd year as the Wolfpack head junior varsity coach. Coach Alpert is a graduate from Kean University with a bachelor in business management. Coach Alpert started his coaching career as the junior varsity coach at Parsippany High School and Oratory Prep. Prior to becoming the junior varsity coach at WMC, Coach Alpert was the head middle school coach in Millburn. Coach Alpert is looking forward to working with the junior varsity team to make them successful varsity players at WMC.


Freshman Coach & Assistant Junior Varsity Coach

| Andrew Kimball

Coach Kimball is in his 8th season with the Wolfpack Boys Basketball coaching staff. He graduated from Ocean City High School where he played basketball and soccer. He graduated from The College of New Jersey and where he played collegiate soccer. Coach Kimball is a Chemistry teacher at West Morris Central High School. He is currently in his 8th year as JV Head Coach for West Morris Boys Soccer.